How to Make Money As a Freelancer – Five Tips - King Know

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Monday, August 12, 2019

 How to Make Money As a Freelancer – Five Tips

Want to know how to make money as a freelancer? Ever wanted to quit your job, set up a home office, and start working for yourself? Here's the thing – it's NOT easy! But if you're lucky enough to be a freelancer, here are some important tips that will boost your chances of success.

Tip # 1 – Do not Quit Your Day Job.

Surprised? I know how to be temptation it might just be your job and start freelancing. But believe me, it's okay when you quit your day job, start freelancing, and later realize it's not as easy as you'd expect – and you end up in an even bigger financial hole!

So here's Tip # 1 – Do not leave your day job right away. Keep your day job, but start freelancing on the side, and relax on the weekends. When you learn the ropes, and your income becomes more important than your job, THEN it's safe to get your job full-time freelancer!

Tip # 2 – Sign Up On Online Jobs.

Online jobsites are websites where you can meet Buyers, or people looking for freelancers to do work for them. Many online jobsites accept freelancers of all types – copywriters, web designers, virtual assistants, illustrators, programmers, voice actors … you name it!

Some of today's most popular online jobsites include,,,, and others. Feel free to sign up – most online jobsites – you can buy jobs online for free.

Tip # 3 – Create An Attractive Online Profile.

No matter which online jobsite you sign up for, make it easy to create an attractive public profile. If your online jobsite will not allow your profile to be shared with non-users, then put your own website. You'll need to establish an online presence for your customers to take seriously!

When you have an online profile (especially when it has an attractive domain name), you can promote it by printing it on your business card or display it on your e-mail signature. As time goes by, and more people will know your freelancing services, and your reputation grows!

Tip # 4 – Create A Promotional “Buzz Piece.”

What's a “buzz piece?” It's basically a document that generics “buzz” for your freelancing services. Many freelancers create reports of 5-10 pages that offer valuable information and promote their services at the same time.

For instance, a freelance graphic designer who specializes in helping small businesses create logos and company branding may create a buzz piece entitled “7 Ways A Good Logo Will Help Your Business Reach The Big Leagues,” and pitch it to small businesses his town.

If it buzz piece is any good, some of the small businesses it offers to contact them to design their logos for them. And if his clients are satisfied with his work, such as designing brochures, trademarks, banner ads, etc.

The Great Thing About Buzz Pieces Is That You Can Use Them Anywhere:

  • You can offer it with your business card at networking events.
  • Who can need your services.

Tip # 5 – Keep Your Clients Happy.

Here's his freelancing secret – you do not get successful by getting as many customers as you can, but by keeping a few customers so happy that they keep sending more and more work your way. When you spend less time looking for freelancing work and more time!

So keep your customers happy by delivering top-quality work on time, every time. Be a joy to work with, and always thank them for the business.

Now that you're freelancing, it's time to take the first step towards freelancing lifestyle you're always wanted!

Source by Mike Madrazo

The post  How to Make Money As a Freelancer – Five Tips appeared first on Tica Tica Boom.

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