What Will Make Your Money Stick - King Know

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

 What Will Make Your Money Stick

I love traveling, but I also super love coming home! Especially to a place I've created that I love and where I feel great! I have been enjoying myself in my regular self-care routine, working out and drinking green smoothies! No matter how hard I try to eat well, workout and moderate while I travel, I still come home feeling a little off. Managing expectations and realizing I will; A) drink more wine then usual, B) see more people than usual Which is ALL okay. Let's cut ourselves an extra break this week in ALL areas of life. Here is a pic of Roxy the day after we get back 🙂 The most favorite things to do. I hope you have a great weekend doing what you love too.

If you're having trouble getting your money to “stick”, it's not going to be that way, but you're going to have that week's article! Read on to learn how to make it stick.

So what's preventing your money from sticking? Well, deep down you still have a block You do not believe you are worthy enough at a deep core level. Want to know a little secret? Most people do not feel good enough. It's the ego. That part of our mind telling us we're not good enough, smart enough, successful enough, etc. That when we hit X level we'll finally make it feel good enough, only to find out we still do not feel good when we hit that amount. If we're in that place of never enough, we'll never be enough, then never creating enough. Many people create “just enough” regardless of the level they reach. We need to become aware of this thinking and to start thinking about it.

What's in your bank account? How do you feel about yourself? Now, the amount you decide on is subjective. You get to decide what you want. Please do not pay any attention to people in this industry saying you need to be successful, or have X amount in the bank. It's up to you how much money you would like to earn and have in your bank account. It all comes down to you. Be mindful of comparisons to others. This is about YOUR best life and no one else's. If you are not where you want to be, there is something else going on at a core level.

I also do not think most people are going to ask for more. There is some kind of guilt going on deep down. Like they will be bad if they ask for more. So they are in a perpetual slump of always having “just enough”. BIG lifestyle dreams. Oddly, their business grows, so do their expenses, and even though they have more money, they still stay in “just enough” mode.

Here are some things to consider in order to break this pattern.

1. Know your numbers! You can not get to where you want to go, if you do not take a good look at where you are. Most business owners shy away from this and it's a huge disadvantage to their growth. What you track grows (because it's in the forefront of your awareness and focus). If you can look at it without judging it, you can use it. If you take it personally, which means you do not really care about yourself, then you will not want to look at it. Because it does not feel good. How can you become empowered with where are you? In Rhonda Byrne's book The Power, she talks about having gratitude for paying your bills and what they have enabled you to do. Saying thank you to your utility bills and even credit cards! What have opportunities have they allowed you?

2. Know you are not a bad person. Maybe you've made some poor choices, but look at what you've learned and can do things differently moving forward. You are in control. This becomes empowering.

3. Pay yourself first! So many people do not do this! They make sure everything and everyone else is covered first! This is directly back to self-worth. Respect yourself enough to pay yourself first. If you do not take you, who will? I recommend starting off with 10% of every dollar coming in off the top (gross).

4. Put this money aside in some of your savings, and only touch it for appreciating assets. In other words, do not spend it on depreciating assets like things like cars and household emergencies. Another savings account can be set up for those types of expenses if you like. A customer of mine calls this type of savings her Freedom Fund, and I just love that! It is helping to create a new economy. I'm here to help you learn more about this project, and I'm going to introduce you via webinar training. Stay tuned!

5. Have fun and watch it grow!

Source by Chris Atley

The post  What Will Make Your Money Stick appeared first on Tica Tica Boom.

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