Writing Business Plan: Create, Promote, and Sell - King Know

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Writing Business Plan: Create, Promote, and Sell

In a teleconference presented by David Riklan, a well-known marketing expert and the founder of SelfGrowth.com, the focus of the discussion was how to create a successful online business from scratch.

According to Riklan, the first two 'core' ways to establish a successful online business, one that generates income, is to:

1. Create your own product to sell.
2. Create a service to sell.

Dealing specifically with the writing world, there are a number of steps, and strategies you can use to design and implement an effective writing business plan.

Tip: When you create a product or service, it should be a quality product or service. It needs to address the potential customer's problem, need, or want, and be of value.

Writing Business Plan: Products and Services You can Create and Sell Online:

1. Books
2. eBooks
3. Podcasts
4. Workshops
5. Teleclasses
6. Webinars
7. White papers
8. Your writing skills as a ghostwriter, freelance writer, or copywriter
9. Speaking engagements
10. Coaching

You can see there are a number of things you can create and sell as part of your writing business plan. And, when you create one product, you can always turn it into a number of others.

For example, if you present a live chat workshop, be sure to have it copied and transcribed. You can later create a report from the transcript and / or create a podcast. You can also create an e-book from the content you prepared for the workshop.

The same can be done for any of the products or services mentioned above. Rework the original content into as many other products you want.

But, take note that just having a business or a product to sell as part of your writing business plan will not need to generate an income. You need to attract potential clients and / or customers to your website and opt-in box, kind of like a magnet.

Writing Business Plan: Attract Visitors and Potential Clients to Your Site

Attracting visitors to your site gives you the opportunity to turn that visitor into a subscriber on your mailing list. This in turn helps you develop a relationship with the individual.

Statistics show that a first time visitor will not buy what you're offering. But, if you have that person on your mailing list, you will be able to try again, and to promote other products or services you have for sale.

Along with your products and services, you can become an affiliate marketer to other products and / or services you feel are of value. This creates a win-win-win situation. The product creator gets a sale, you get an affiliate fee, and the customer gets what he wants or needs.

So, the key is to offer something the visitor will feel is worth his valuable email address.

Writing Business Plan: The Most Effective Strategy to use to Motivate Someone to Give Their Email Address, Thereby Increasing Your Subscriber List

The number one way to do this is by offering a FREEBIE. The visitor subscribes to your mailing list and then gets the freebie. This is known as an ethical bribe.

Obviously, the freebie must be something people want or need. If you have a health site focused on allergies, visitors will want information on allergies, possibly a report on the latest allergy statistics or alternative strategies for alleviating allergy symptoms will prompt visitors to click on your opt-in.

As part of your writing business plan, you need to include a freebie that is geared towards your target market, something that offers a solution to their problem or need, or provides something they want, and one that will help establish you as an expert in that niche and trustworthy.

Source by Karen Cioffi

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