Top 3 Challenges to Making Money Online - King Know

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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

 Top 3 Challenges to Making Money Online

If you've just started an online business, chances are you've discovered it's harder than you thought first. You probably have a website, and maybe it looks like a winner. You have your beautiful graphics. You have all your products strategically. Yet, every day, when you check your numbers, nothing is selling. What gives? In all likelihood, you've come across one of the top 3 challenges faced by online business owners.

Challenge # 1: Traffic

Imagine you have set up a nice shop. Maybe you sell jewelry, picture frames, figurines, etc. You have all your products here just right now that you will not be disappointed. The only problem is: No one comes into your store. This is the bricks-and-mortar of your website. To get your website, you need traffic. Ideally, you are interested in what you are interested in. Who are you interested in buying what you're selling. I included Traffic in the # 1 spot because it really is the most important. If you have no traffic, it really does not matter what the website looks like or even what you're selling.

The solution to getting more traffic to your website is yours: advertise! On the web, there are many ways you can advertise. Whether you choose free methods, such as blogs or forums, or paid methods, such as pay-per-click (PPC), you need to do it. If no one knows your website is out there, they will not visit it. One thing you need to remember: The more you pay for ads, the more important it is to get targeted traffic. Why is that? If you're paying for clicks to your website, you'll want to make sure you pay for your ads.

Challenge # 2: Making the Sale

You're advertised your website. You've got people in your store. But none of them are buying. How do you get to buy? If you have already mentioned this, you can hire effective salespeople and pay them commission. You can not do that with your website, so you have to have effective sales copy.

Sales copy is what you actually write on your website. It is your saleperson. The most important thing to remember is: Sales copy, not graphics, will make people buy your product. That does not mean things like graphics and layout. Those things can help, but you can have a better look at the net, and if you do not have any problems, it's a bunch of visitors coming to look at your awesome website; they just will not be buying.

Is there a solution to writing effective sales copy? Unfortunately, no. What will work for one product? However, the most important thing to remember is that you are not selling features; you're selling benefits. Your potential customers could not care less what features your product has. If you have not spelled out their lives, they will buy your product. Try to put yourself in their minds. What would you buy if you were in their shoes?

Challenge # 3: Networking

Networking is important in any business. It is doubly important if your business is a network marketing business. Everyone tells us we need to network, network, network. But how do you do that online?

Welcome to social networking. Maybe you're a member of a social network like MySpace or Facebook. Maybe you follow your friends and a few celebrities on Twitter. All of these can be used to network. One recommendation I would like to make: If you're going to use social networks for making money, use a separate account for your personal and business activities. Your business contacts are not going to be interested in the same things as your personal contacts. I just makes life easier.

There are also social networks out there that exist for the purpose of making money. These are great for networking because they are interested in money-making opportunities. Just be sure to follow their rules. These networks are too valuable to risk being banned.

In Summary

Online business owners face many challenges. The top three challenges are (1) traffic, (2) making the sale, and (3) networking. I hope I've been able to give you a few ideas to help make your website a success.

Source by Maurice Anderson

The post  Top 3 Challenges to Making Money Online appeared first on Tica Tica Boom.

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